Our Methodology

At CTC we have a 3 step model. We ensure every service we provide includes this 3 step process. They include :

  • Analysis: We prevent, breakdown and do periodic maintenance.
  • Design, Procure, Budgeting and Risk Assesment
  • We monitor test and maintain.

Environment Policy

Qatar’s government also recognizes its potential as a global leader in environmental stewardship. As part of the Gulf Green Initiative, CTC is also committed to run its business in a responsible, environmentally sound and sustainable manner. We recognize that our products have both direct and indirect environmental impacts. We identify these and find effective ways of eliminating or reducing them. We aim to achieve consistent improvement in our environmental performance.
Our environmental objectives are chosen wisely and are regularly reviewed effectively to implement our environmental policies as follows:

  • To measure the significant environmental aspects of operations, maintaining a functioning environmental management system at the factory and work sites.
  • To ensure that environmental issues are properly assessed and considered while taking key decisions.
  • To measure the significant environmental impacts of our maintenance, performance and monitor progress against the targeted areas, including Energy, Greenhouse, Oil Spills, Gas Emissions, Water Usage Quality and Waste.

To use Energy and Natural resources wisely and efficiently, eliminate and minimize Waste, and re-use and recycle Oils.


CTC is committed to the expansion of Social Responsibilities of Qatar; we also aim 2030 vision of Emir of Qatar in the growth of the nation. We will endure to give back the needs at its greatest and where our convictions dictate, both corporately and personally.